Sitemap - 2023 - JVM Weekly

Amazon Q Code Transform: Automatic migration from JDK 1.8 to JDK 17 - JVM Weekly vol. 65

Docker acquires AtomicJar, company behind Testcontainers - JVM Weekly vol. 64

Feature Freeze for JDK 22: What Will the New Edition Bring? - JVM Weekly vol. 63

Java, Kotlin, Scala: Insights from State of Developer Ecosystem 2023 - JVM Weekly vol. 62

Spring Framework 6.1 and Spring Boot 3.2: The tastiest bites - JVM Weekly vol. 61

Amper by JetBrains: Defining Gradle Builds through YAML - JVM Weekly vol. 61

Play Framework is reborn like a phoenix from the ashes.... and gets rid of Akka - JVM Weekly vol. 60

Major changes in Kotlin's leadership: Roman Elizarov departs from JetBrains – JVM Weekly vol. 59

Pulumi: Infrastructure-as-a-Code in Java, Kotlin and Scala - JVM Weekly vol. 58

What does GraalVM for JDK 21 have in common with the Rabbit of Caerbannog? Both surprise with their power - JVM Weekly vol. 58

A one-sentence summary of each new JEP from JDK 21 - JVM Weekly vol. 57

Project Babylon: Chance for LINQ (and more) in Java - JVM Weekly vol. 56

Panama, OpenCL and TornadoVM: Java's entry into the GPU world - JVM Weekly vol. 55

Exploring the Newest Updates of Project Leyden, Valhalla & Hermes: JVM Weekly vol. 54

Fury: Compromise between speed and flexibility in the serialization process - JVM Weekly vol. 53

New JEPs: Computed Constants, a new approach to Ahead-of-Time and stabilisation of the FFM API - JVM Weekly vol. 52

Rust-written JVM and Bytecode Transpiler: A Masterclass in Learning-by-Doing - JVM Weekly vol. 51

The Great Kotlin Week: 1.9, Notebook, MongoDB Driver and support for education - JVM Weekly vol. 50

Stream::gather enhances versatility of Stream API - JVM Weekly vol. 49

JVM’s Open Source All-Stars, June 2023: LLMs Edition - JVM Weekly vol. 48

GraalVM EE is Dead, Long Live Oracle GraalVM - JVM Weekly vol. 47

The compact overview of JDK 21's "frozen" feature list - JVM Weekly vol. 46

Virtual Threads, CRaC, GraalVM, Spring Boot 3.1: what came with Spring I/O 2023 - JVM Weekly vol. 45

JEP 450: The child of Project Lilliput - JVM Weekly vol. 44

Spring Cleaning: A review of new tools in the Spring ecosystem - JVM Weekly vol. 44

A peek under-the-hood of Java: Dynamic Agents and "tearing" - JVM Weekly vol. 43

The future and present of Enterprise Java: a first look at Jakarta EE 11 and MicroProfile 6 adoption - JVM Weekly vol. 42

What does Roman Elizarov - Kotlin Coroutines creator - think about Virtual Threads? JVM Weekly vol. 41

TLDW: Opinionated Wrap-up of KotlinConf 2023 Keynote - JVM Weekly vol. 40

Dropwizard returns with parallel 3.0 and 4.0 release - JVM Weekly vol. 39

There is more in JDK 20 than JEPs themselves. - JVM Weekly vol. 38

JDK 21 Strikes Back: Stable Virtual Threads and Generational ZGC - JVM Weekly vol. 37

First information on JDK 21: What will the next LTS bring? - JVM Weekly #36

Will Java finally become a good language for learning programming? - JVM Weekly vol. 35

Curious about Carbon Footprint your application has? There's a tool to measure it - JVM Weekly #34

Will Valhalla bring better nulls to Java? - JVM Weekly #33

What does the "State of Developer Ecosystem 2022" tell us about Java and the JVM ? - JVM Weekly #32

JDK enters 2023: plans for the year, first JEPs and Preview feature retrospective - JVM Weekly #31

How to enter the world of Java in 2023? JVM Weekly #30

Kotlin 1.8 is a phantom release - JVM Weekly #29

Everything you might have missed in Java in 2022 - JVM Weekly #28