1. Any time you decide to NOT include cartoons depicting brain surgery, in any form, I'm more than happy to support you. In fact, I wouldn't mind at all if you never, ever showed one of those again. Seriously, that would be fine with me.

2. According to Google translate, "Wywołanie konstruktora klasy nadrzędnej" means "Calling the constructor of the parent class," which totally works. Now that I know what it means, it even sort of looks like that. If I could pronounce it correctly, I would use it in regular conversation.

3. I always liked unnamed variables from Groovy and Kotlin. I'm glad Java has them at last.

4. Code before this() or super() is something I didn't know that I needed, but now I think I do.

5. I thought they were considering getting rid of the "STR" part of string templates. Was that just speculation? Of course, I could just look in the JEP, but that would delay making snarky comments here.

6. Coroutines in Kotlin didn't really take off until they added structured concurrency, so I'm glad that's making progress.

7. A Lisp (or possibly a Clojure) joke for you: Did you hear that foreign hackers stole the last 5 Gigs of Lisp (Clojure) source code governing the nuclear launch codes? Don't worry, though. It was all close parentheses.

8. Let's be honest. The Vector API will be released just before the heat death of the universe, but even then it will still be in beta.

9. Great job, as always :)

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